Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter One - Getting to the Heart of the Matter

    • 1.1 Introduction

    • 1. 2 The Human Need Behind the Business Need

    • Lesson 1.3 The Me Sign

    • Lesson 1.4 The Maestro in the ME Orchestra

    • Lesson 1.5 The Importance of Remembering

    • Lesson 1.6 Remembering: The Potsticker Sauce

    • Lesson 1.7 Empathy: The Heart of Service

    • Lesson 1.8 Touch the Customer's Heart

    • Lesson 1.9 100% Focused on the Customer

    • 1.10 Feeling "Seen"

    • Lesson 1.11 No Gossiping Allowed

    • Lesson 1.12 Be Authentic

    • Lesson 1.13 The Servant's Heart

  • 2

    Chapter Two - Navigating the Emotions

  • 3

    Chapter Three - What Annoys Customers

  • 4

    Chapter Four - What Annoys You

  • 5

    Chapter Five - Letting Go of Being Right

  • 6

    Chapter Six - How to Communicate Clearly

    • 6.1 The Three Vs of Communicating

    • 6.2 Visual Communication

    • 6.3 Verbal Communication

    • 6.4 Vocal Communication

    • 6.5 Words Have Vibes

    • 6.6 High Frequency Words

    • 6.7 Yes . . . AND

    • 6.8 Low Frequency Words - The "No Problem" Problem

    • 6.9 The "YES" Culture

    • 6.10 Keeping Customers "In The Loop"

    • 6.11 What About Email?

  • 7

    Chapter Seven - How to Question and Listen

    • 7.1 Introduction

    • 7.2 Have You Been Listened To?

    • 7.3 Did I Miss Anything?

    • 7.4 Empty First to Listen

    • 7.5 Question to Clarify - Open and Closed

    • 7.6 Be a Detective

    • 7.7 Three Magical Words

    • 7.8 Curiosining

    • 7.9 The Question Behind the Question

  • 8

    Chapter Eight - How to Apologize

  • 9

    Chapter Nine - How to Say No

    • 9.1 The Wings of No

    • 9.2 Saying No

    • 9.3 Knowing the Alternatives

    • 9.4 What Are You Saying "NO" About?

  • 10

    Chapter Ten - Inspiring Insights